Houston Website Design by CLM – More Than Just Great Looking It’s Built and Designed from the Ground Up For Success
Just because you build it – doesn’t mean they will come…Scary but all too often true… Businesses start with a great idea for a website – then forget about all the critical factors to ensure it is found on the Internet information super highway.
The business of Houston website building is more about strategy than any one other thing. Designing a site correctly the first time reaps positive rewards in search engine placement resulting in visitors and traffic. The strategy of building a good site and making sure all the functions are correct and well laid out is vitally important. Things like development, content strategy, correct on page function, load time speed, site maps in XML and HTML, proper coding, good page structure, properly optimized images, Blog structure and layout and Google Analytics correctly installed.
Long list huh! Don’t trust your website build to any other Houston Website Design firm – we specialize in business websites that rank well in Google, convert traffic to customers and make you a profit. Our designs are stunning to look at plus you get the benefit of our years of business consulting to ensure your site becomes a valuable asset to you.
Why Houston Website Design Experts CLM?
The website of a growing business is often times one of the most important factors in determining success and lead flow. There is no one size fits all in Houston Website Design that can determine exactly how your website should look. It really depends on the kind of business you are trying to run as well as what you are trying to sell.
We send out a client questionnaire to determine
- Where you want to sell your product or service?
- Identify the target market.
- Find where your customers hang out and strategize accordingly.
- Do market research to find any industry standard – then try to set you apart from the competition.
Few Other Factors
There are other factors to consider such as obtaining a quality domain name. If the domain name you want to use for your .com site is already taken, do not use a .net of .org version. Instead, think of a name that is unique to you and your business.
The contact form must be easy to find and use, plus your contact information should be on EVERY page! To ensure maximum conversions from visitors to calls or emails you should provide different ways of establishing contact such as email, online form, and telephone, preferably business number/department numbers such as sales as well as a cell/mobile phone for local service businesses.
Make sure your website is easy to navigate – it’s a must…In this day and age no-one is going to struggle to find the information they want – they will simply click ‘back’ and go to another site. To test if the website is easy to use rope in your friends and family to test the site just like a potential customer would. Is all the information you want to provide available and easy to find – make sure the font you use is easy to read.
For many reasons you should always provide content that is interesting even exceptional. You need to hook people and you only have one chance – so write the best copy you can, that way they become interested in what you are trying to sell or teach them. Google will not rank your site based on the quality of your content, duplicate content copied from somewhere else, poor visitor retention, many visitors click back – all are tied to your websites overall search engine ranking.